Thursday, November 13, 2008

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jbradfor -

simon_w, are you using the latest version? [0.7.0] Chris worked very hard to improve the import
feature (at my nagging....) and addresses most of your concerns.

(一) This is not quite correct. There does seem to be some words that it won't import (all of
which are not in the dictionary), but I've gotten it to import words that aren't in the
dictionary. If you can, find some words it won't import and send to Chris -- I'm hoping the more
people nag him about this the sooner he'll fix it for me :-)

(二) It will import tab-delimited files -- I know because I do it all the time. You need to, when
importing files, ensure that "Import Format" is "custom', then click on 'next" from the first
screen, and set the values accordingly.

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simon_w -

Hi jbradfor,

Thanks for your advice/clarifications.

(一) Fair enough - I made an inappropriate inductive step! I have a list of half-a-dozen or more
already, and I not an advanced student of Chinese by any stretch...!

(二) Again, maybe it's just me then. I fiddled for a while using Excel and OOo Calc to reformat
my files to see what I could get to work, and I couldn't get anything to work except for
semi-colon delimiting. I actually had exactly the same experience using Ubuntu as on Windows, so I
had to port my vbs to python...!

I'll see if I can see what's causing my problem, and I'll post some info if I can. I have no
experience with eclipse, except for a brief spell using it as a php IDE, but I didn't like it for
that purpose! However, maybe it's time I gave it another spin...



bogleg -

Hi Simon,

Send me the lists you're having a problem with and I'll take a look at what's going on. (fongcn at
gmail dot com). One of the things ZDT tries to do is look up the traditional characters (if you're
importing simplified only), and if it can't find it in the dictionary, it will complain. Should it
be so strict? Or should ZDT be more flexible and allow "incomplete" entries? I'm curious to know.


jbradfor -

Simon, if you like post a small example of a tab-delimited file and I'll check if I can see if
anything is wrong.

For what it's worth (very little....), the files I import are created as follows. I created them
the MS Word, with format
character pinyin def
and save them in Unicode format. When I go to import them I set Input Format to "custom" and file
encoding to "UTF-16". Then I click on next, set input format to "T P D", element delimiter to
"tab", and def delimiter to "nothing". You should see things showup correctly in the preview

Luobot -


should ZDT be more flexible and allow "incomplete" entries? I'm curious to know.


Why not allow it if the user elects it as an optional (global) override?

It might be good to see a little symbol on that row indicating that the questionable entry was
entered via the override. That might inspire the user to do further research to determine if the
entry is invalid (in which case, he can delete it) or valid, but just not yet in the dictionary.

The default could still be the current behavior.

maku777 -

I'm a new user and found ZDT at this webpage: . I have pleco
and am getting ready to start Chinese language study using the Chinese Made Easier (CME) books. I
downloaded the complete set of flashcards for CME from the above website link as well.

The flashcard files appear to already be in tab delimited format. I went through and deleted the
//Lesson #'s out of the file, but am having difficulties successfully importing these flashcards
into ZDT.

I have now deleted everything but just one lesson which has 33 vocabs. I have reformatted and
saved the file in Excel, Wordpad, & Notepad using what seems to me every possible combination
including Unicode, UT8, UT16, Text Only, Tab Delimited, etc. I have deleted the tabs and tried
using both "/" and ";" as the delimiters but that doesn't work either.

When I import, I am selecting the file, choosing the Custom setting, tried both UT8 and UT16, on
the next menu, I am putting S P (I have also put S, P) (and S [P]). These flashcards don't have
traditional or definition with them.

I have selected Use the dictionary and use the flashcard for the definition source. The import
will then start, go through it's process and then find nothing, or maybe 1 or 2 of the cards.

One time I saved in tab delimited format it put " " quotation marks around the Chinese text and
pinyin, and the import found 27 of the 33 vocabs, but it also included the "" quotation marks in
the flashcard. That time it automatically put the correct dictionary definition as well. 4 of the
missing 6 vocabs showed up as an error saying it was not found in the dictionary.

Ok, so to get to the point, is it possible to import these flashcard files into ZDT?


jbradfor -

1) Try saving it using Word in Unicode format, read it in as UTF-16

2) Post a sample file and maybe someone can get it working.

flameproof -

1. The very slow start
2. That it's not easily possible to edit the data base*

* to give an example: 说 in most beginners circumstances is SHUO, but the Annotator makes it SHUI

I mainly just use it as a dictionary. For Flash I use Pleco.

Luobot -


to give an example: 说 in most beginners circumstances is SHUO, but the Annotator makes it SHUI

I was also planning to ask about the Annotator's choice of translations, and what can be done
about it.

In fact, I started to prepare a list of typical, annoying subprime annotations, such as the

的 dì --instead of--> de
了 liào --instead of--> le
都 dū --instead of--> dōu
还 huán --instead of--> hái
说 shuì --instead of--> shuō

It appears from the above examples that ZDT takes the first translation available to it (which you
can see by mousing over the above characters in the annotator). I'm not sure what determined that
particular order (though I guess it's the arbitrary order in CEDICT), but "de" and "le" have got
to be some of the most frequent characters.

How about a checkmark column in the dictionary so that, when there are multiple definitions for a
character, the user can check his definition of preference. The annotator would use the check
marked definition (if any) over the default. These preferences should be transportable from one
user to another (an export-import function) and from one version of ZDT to the next.

Thanks for considering it.

maku777 -

saving in Word unicode 8 format, then reading in ZDT unicode 16 format could not display the
Chinese characters...instead it displayed a long list of garbled characters.

If I save in Word unicode 8 format, then read in ZDT unicode 8 format, it displays the first
Chinese character and pinyin, but trying to import, the green progress bar goes half way through
and stops and no cards are imported.

I read through the forums extensively and saw a tip from the ZDT author to another user and he
recommended just copying and pasting....and that WORKS! I do have to chose the correct definition
for a few of the words on the list in each lesson though since I did not supply the definition in
my flashcard list.

Thanks for the help and the program.


Here's a sample list of lesson 1 of the CME books though that I was trying to import..maybe you
can see what is wrong:

林 Lin2
先生 xian1sheng
王 Wang2
太太 bu4
英国人 Ying1guo2ren2

All times are GMT +8. The time now is 06:44 PM.

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